Saturday, June 4, 2011

Biosolids Save the Day-ly Bread!!

With a rapidly-growing population, it is obvious that manufacturers must discover new innovative methods of producing enough food for the masses. Farmers all over the world have begun to find new ways of fertilizing their crop in an effective and sustainable manner: BIOSOLIDS. Biosolids are literally the by-products of domestic and commercial sewage treatment. Basically, it is human waste that has been treated repeatedly to remove any toxins and pathogens, which is then used by farmers as fertilizer to grow crops which we will eventually consume, only to start the cycle all over again. 
Human waste is rich in phosphates which are vital to plant growth. A Vancouver company is already developing a process by which the phosphates can be extracted; a monumental innovation for the agricultural sector. But are biosolids really the optimal selection to cater to our needs? Could they be the leading energy of the future? As we move towards sustainable resources, biosolids might be able to answer all our needs.
The positive effects of biosolid fertilization are quite evident in its sustainability. The source of the fertilizer comes from our waste, which would come from consumption of food. By using the waste as fertilizer instead of allowing it to sit in a landfill and contribute to our large garbage output, is a great eco-friendly solution to a large problem in today's consumerist society. As more and more companies develop methods of creating fuels or sources of energy from biosolids,we will optimistically be heading towards a great reduction in our carbon footprint, due to the biosolids' positive impact on the environment. Also a study created by Colorado State University showed that biosolids constantly applied to wheat crops produced higher amounts of protein, thus creating larger economics returns compare to crops fertilized with the commercial fertilizer.

Biosolids are by-products of waste treatments
Although already treated, biosolids have often been regarded as breeding grounds for bacteria, pathogens and other contaminants that would infiltrated plants, which would end up being consumed by humans. Biosolid treatment plantations take great care in ensuring that contaminants are dealt with. The waste is pressurized, heated, and the pH is raised to kill off anything that would eventually be harmful to humans. Groundwater can also be permanently contaminated by leached biosolids. The main concerns about using biosolids as fertilizer are the harmful effects that they could have on our health and the environment. However, biosolids have been used as fertilizers for many years now, and scientists cannot provide any evidence of sickness or health issues related to their use.  

Everything has its benefits and disadvantages, however like most new innovations in our society, there are risks, but they are greatly outweighed by the advantages of biosolids.There is always a wrong way and a right way to go about a new advance. For example, if chicken is cooked the wrong way, the result can be salmonella. This doesn't mean that all chicken is bad. The same theory can be applied to biosolids used as fertilizers. Biosolids will be harmful if they are not provided in a responsible manner. For the most part, biosolids have been a great, cost effective substitution for harsh chemicals. If it has been used for thousands of years, why shouldn't we use it now? 
Even with all the benefits biosolid fertilization offers, people regard this whole idea as "uncivilized", since we are eventually eating the food that was previously grown in our waste. The majority of North Americans consider our human waste as disgusting, but if it is contributing to a greater cause, what’s the difference? Humans are not directly eating the biosolids, as plants are benefit from the otherwise unused nutrients from our waste. Just because biosolids do not conform to the views of society, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be moving towards new innovation? 
Biosolids, traditionally known as, “disgusting fesses that are unsanitary”, are truly a vital energy source for agricultural purposes. They may not be the most conventional path; however biosolids are simply the first step on the journey to a new and more sustainable tomorrow. 
MUST WATCH: Everything you Need to Know About BIOSOLIDS!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Evolutionary Medical Technology Transparent's the Human Body

Canadian and other medical inventions are the reflection of the need for vital diagnoses of the complex and very different illnesses and diseases. 245 babies are born every minute, and 102 people die each minute. If we do the math then 143 new members are added to the world population each minute. But why is it that the birth rate and death rate are not equal? This is primarily due to INVENTIONS. But how are these medical inventions benefiting people? These inventions ensure our health, by not just helping doctors locate where and what ailment we have, but also increase the longevity of our life through proactive treatment and medication.
However, great inventions did not just appear, they were great contributions from some remarkable people and entrepreneurs. The X-ray was discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. This discovery came into existence when Rontgen moved a piece of lead close to a florescent screen, and saw the dark skeletal pattern of the bones, as his hand moved across the face of the screen. Rontgen had made one of the most monumental discoveries in the history of medicine, as X-rays are commonly used in every hospital casualty department today. This invention allowed doctors to decipher the internal issues that are causing problems for the person. The X-ray was one of the most important inventions as it set the basis for many other inventions.

One other great invention that came along after the X-Ray was the CT scan. The CT was discovered by Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormack. CT scans are special x-ray tests that produce cross-sectional images of the body using an x-ray and a computer. These images allow the radiologist to look inside the body, just as you would look at the inside of a loaf of bread by slicing it. CT scans are frequently used to evaluate the brain, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis and sinuses. Here’s an article about how this development has helped boost survival rates for severe injuries.
 Another great invention that assists doctors and surgeons to look at internal organs such as the stomach, is an endoscopy. An endoscope is an instrument used in medical operations which consist of a very small camera on a long thin tube, which can be put into a person’s body for examining visually the interior of the body, such as the colon, bladder or stomach. The endoscopy was a remarkable invention that surfaced in 1806, and it made a tremendous impact of the medical world as doctors were now able to look into the organs of a person, without having to cut them open.  

First introduced to the medical world in 1950s, ultrasound has become the second most widely-used diagnostic imaging modality today. As waves enter the body, they encounter different materials such as the bone and internal organs. These materials cause the waves to reflect back to the source. Because the waves reflect back differently, physician can identify the type of tissue by the nature of the reflection. Without the invention of the ultrasound device, doctors wouldn’t be able to view the fetus of a woman and even see internal organs and bones that could in fact save lives or help prevent damages.

It is clear that the great discoveries in the medical world have lead to a decrease in the death rates and subsequent increase in the life expectancy rate. Using the latest technologies, doctors are more equipped to diagnose with greater accuracy. These technologies have also enabled us to learn more about our internal digestive, circulatory and respiratory body system, while enabling doctors to perform successful surgeries. Technology advancement is a necessity to the medical world because without it doctors would be helpless and patients would be even more sceptical and fearful for their own well-being, as the reassurance of a machine would not be there to help cure their ailment. Therefore, it is safe to say that the more transparent technological advancements make of the human body, the greater chance of doctors being able to diagnose a patient and save a life.